Most innovative method in hair transplantation!
Genetic composition, medication use, stress and plenty of various causes related hair loss cause frustrating results. If none of preventive precautions are held against increasing hair loss hairlessness is undergone. For these problems by the virtue of hair transplantations and hair therapies hairlessness is vanished, you earn magnificent appearance.
What does FUE Method refers to?
Considering Fue (Follicular Unit Extraction) methodology hair follicle under local anaesthesia by the way of special end micro engines are taken out one by one through the hairless spaces implanted taking into account the natural hair angle and direction. Nowadays, most operations are carried out by FUE method. As a result of lack of surgery interferences patients make selection more comfortably and prefers to that methodology. That method applied in our institution allows a painless, indolent and too much comfortable method, facilitates you to make rapid transformation in your business and social life.
What is the advantage of FUE method?
Biggest profit of the method relies on fast recovery of the hair follicles after one by one elimination and over the eliminated donor region prevention of damages (scar). Since none of any traces formation occurs transplanted hairs by that method may be used even protecting short. In association with homogeneous delivery none of any thin appearance occurs.
Am I a good candidate for FUE methodology?
Likewise the other all alternative hair surgery methods also in FUE method physicians examine the guests applied to our clinic whether they are available for hair transplantation. As a result of the examination hair losses, applicable margins for hair implantations and adequate donor margins are detected.
When I will recover?
Upon the completion of the operation in following day upon medical dressing hygiene is allocated. On the third day soaking operation is initiated and up to the tenth day application sustains. At the end of the tenth day crust over the operated margin shall be crumbled. Transplanted hairs shall be visually seen. Fast recovery shall be allowed.
How long FUE technique associated hair transplantation goes on?
In one season taking out your half day, hair transplantation operation shall be applied. Average time period is in the range of 4-8 hours. After the implementation our hospital rapidly integrates in to social life.
Is unshaven hair transplantation conceivable?
In our clinical setting unshaven hair transplantation method is available. Upon the completion of the physician and specialist tests, upon the approval of the patient for unshaven hair transplantation that constitutes a pain free and unshaven applied method.